End of Year Reports header

End of Year Financial Reports

Annually the Knox County Board of Education and districts across the Commonwealth are required to provide to the public access to unaudited balance sheets, unaudited financial report, and a listing of vendor expenditures.

Below is our end of year reports for the 2020 fiscal year.   These documents are in PDF format and were generated by our MUNIS accounting software.  Individuals with visual impairments who need accommodations may contact the Finance Department for assistance.

Unaudited Annual Financial Report for Fiscal Year 2020

Unaudited Balance Sheet for Fiscal Year 2020

Vendor Expenditure Summary for Fiscal Year 2020

Questions about our end of year reports, including requests for accommodations, may be sent to Gertrude Smith, Chief Finance Officer, at gertrude.smith@knox.kyschools.us or via phone at (606)546-3157.  Accommodation services may also be obtained by emailing the Communications Department at communications@knox.kyschools.us.