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Travel Request and Reimbursement


A Travel Request Form (03.125 AP.21) is required to be completed and approved prior to any travel. Upon return complete an official Travel Expense Voucher (03.125 AP.22), attach original itemized lodging receipt, conference registration, and other required receipts and submit to your immediate supervisor for approval. The approved completed form and voucher with attached receipts must then be submitted to the Superintendent/designee for approval and sent to the Finance Department by the fifth (5th) working day of each month to be processed for payment at the next regular Board meeting.

Travel Documents Flow

Employee completes request or voucher form, next the Principal or Supervisor signs, if it is part of a program or grant the designated Director signs, then the form is presented to the Superintendent for signature.

Travel Request Form PDF Document

Travel Expense Voucher PDF Document

Mileage Reimbursement

To calculate the mileage cost, visit the Kentucky State Employee website and look for Mileage Rates under the Rates heading.  The mileage rate is updated quarterly.

Per Diem Reimbursement

For out of district and out of state travel, visit the GSA Per Diem Rates Lookup website.  Once you identify your travel location, scroll down the page to the section heading Meals & Incidentals (M&IE) Breakdown.  The total rate show is for full days that you are at the destination.  The first and last day of travel rates are shown in the last column.


A statement of in-District travel form (03.125 AP.22) is to be completed on a calendar month basis for all travel in the District. This form is to be completed, signed and approved by your immediate supervisor. Upon approval, this form is submitted to the Superintendent/designee for approval and sent to the Finance Department by the fifth (5th) working day of each month to be processed for payment at the next regular Board meeting.

In District Travel Form 

Mileage Reimbursement

To calculate the mileage cost, visit the Kentucky State Employee website and look for Mileage Rates under the Rates heading.  The mileage rate is updated quarterly.

Board Travel Policy PDF Document 

KRS 160.290; KRS 160.410; KRS 175.525
OAG 80 395
United States v. Correll, 389 U.S. 299 (1967)
Accounting Procedures for Kentucky School Activity Funds
Adopted/Amended: 11/15/2016
Order #: 904

Reminder: You cannot accumulate Months of Travel in accordance with the policy. All travel is to be approved and turned in to Finance per the timelines in the policy excerpt above.


Documents needed for student travel request and approval are on our student transportation page.